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Meeting Room Policy

Meeting Room / Study Room Policy

Created: July 2012
Approved: August 2012
Modified: July 16, 2014

  • The Board of Trustees of the Hancock County Public Library will make the meeting room available to any group of citizens from Hancock County provided they meet the criteria listed below.
  • The Hancock County Public Library provides meeting facilities as a public service for the use of nonprofit, civic, cultural, educational, intellectual, or charitable activities on an equitable basis. Except if explicitly indicated by the library, the Library Board of Trustees and Library administration do not endorse or sponsor groups meeting at the library or endorse the thoughts, principles, or beliefs of any group.
  • Groups using the library meeting rooms shall hold harmless and indemnify the Hancock County Public Library Board free from damage, liability, cost, and / or expense attributable to use of library facilities.
  • Programs, classes, and other activities presented directly by the Library or by an organization where the library is a partnering agency will take precedence over non-library use of the meeting room and study room. Other organizations and individuals will be granted use of the rooms on a first-come, first-served basis.
  • All groups will be required to conduct themselves in an orderly and lawful manner.
  • The facilities may not be used for personal, social or commercial activities.
  • If the library is closed due to bad weather, holidays, or any other unforeseen circumstance, the meeting room may not be available.
  • Groups using the library meeting rooms will hold the Hancock County Public Library and the Library Board free from damage, liability, cost, and/or expense attributable to use of library facilities.
  • A $100 deposit is required to reserve the meeting room which will assist in the janitorial costs, key replacement, or damages. If the meeting room is cleaned, key is returned by 10:00am the following day or put in exterior book drop upon leaving, and there are no damages in the room, your deposit will be returned to you in full.
  • All meetings must be open to the public and the media and must be free of charge.
  • There may be no solicitation, promotions, sale of items, or any other activities that result in direct profit, unless sponsored by the library.
  • No materials, equipment or furniture belonging to any organization will be stored on Library premises, and the Library will not assume responsibility for any materials or items left on the premises.
  • Library sponsored events for the purpose of raising funds for the Library are allowed.
  • Meetings by private employers may be held if it is for the purpose of staff training or employment testing.
  • Groups consisting mainly of persons under eighteen (18) years of age must have an adult in supervision at all times during the meeting. The contact adult may not leave the premises until all other attendees have departed even if the library itself is open. One adult per every ten youth is expected.
  • Meeting room users may use the following equipment LCD projector, laptop, and screen. Prior arrangements must be made in order to use this equipment.
  • Refreshments and non-alcoholic beverages may be served by the group, but no serving materials will be provided by the Library. Groups may use the kitchenette adjacent to the meeting room, but must clean the counter and remove all food /drink items and trash before leaving. Groups are required to remove any materials which may be brought into the library.
  • Garbage must be disposed of in the large totes at back right corner of building as leaving. (see checklist in kitchenette)
  • The room must be restored in an orderly manner after use, chairs in place, tables clean, garbage taken out, floor swept, etc. Please refer to diagram for proper table & chair placement.
  • There is no smoking permitted in the library or on the library grounds.
  • If a meeting is cancelled, the Library must be notified at once and at least 24 hours in advance of the scheduled event unless unexpected hazardous weather or other emergencies occur.
  • Service animals are allowed, but no other animals may be brought inside the building.
  • It is required that in no instance shall occupancy of the facility exceed the room’s capacity. 52 people seated at tables / 80 people seated in chairs
  • Use of the meeting room does not imply endorsement, support, or co-sponsorship by Hancock County Public Library of the activities that take place in the meeting room or of the beliefs of the group using the meeting room. Groups or individuals using the meeting room may not imply that the event or program is sponsored, cosponsored, or endorsed by the library in any advertising or publicity.

Reserving the Meeting Room

  • The person reserving the meeting room must be an adult 18 years of age or older, have a valid Hancock County Public Library card, and be in good standing at Hancock County Public Library. A contact name and phone number must be provided. This person will be responsible for picking up the key prior to the meeting; locking the library doors, and depositing it in the Book Return or returning the key and total attendance card to the circulation desk.
  • The attached form is to be filled out, signed, and returned to a staff person at the circulation desk, with a check for the deposit. When your date has been approved you will be notified.
  • For the purpose of recording library use and traffic, a total attendance card shall be filled out for each meeting and returned with the key each time the meeting room is used.
  • Advance reservations may be made, but not earlier than three (3) months prior to the event.

This statement of policy is subject to amendment at any time by the Hancock County Public Library Board of Trustees.

Failure to comply with this policy, its regulations and guidelines, shall result in the termination of meeting room privileges for the offending organization.