Obtaining a library card will allow you to take advantage of all the great services our library has to offer: Books, movies, public computers, downloadables, and more!
The application process is easy, and there’s no cost! Simply stop by one of our library branches or visit our bookmobile for an application form.
Hancock County Residents
You must be eighteen years of age to apply for a library card. When you fill out an application, you’ll need to provide some form of personal identification that proves you are one of the following within Hancock County:
- a resident
- a property owner
- an employee
- a student
Those under seventeen years of age may be issued a library card only if a parent or legal guardian establishes identification, acquires their own library card, and guarantees responsibility for materials borrowed on the juvenile’s card.
Out-0f-County Residents
Non-local residents may also apply for a library card, however there is an annual $15 out-of-county fee (discounted to $5 for senior citizens).